Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ring of Honor Superstar - Colt Cabana says "The Show is TONS of Fun!!"

Ring Of Honor Superstar: Colt Cabana talks about Late Night...

A few Ring of Honor shows I had the chance to manage a tag team during a dark match (something that is non-televised), if you haven't heard of Ring of Honor Pro Wrestling, please visit them at They have National Television and can be seen every Monday Night on HDNet network, they are one of the biggest and best Pro Wrestling companies in the United States.

While there, I approached Colt Cabana, whom I have known for a few years now about our TV show. Colt Cabana is a former WWE star and has traveled the World over, plus, the guy is legit funny. Knowing that Colt, has had great success as a comedian, I wanted to ask his advice and possibly get any tips on timing, writing or anything else that might help further the show along. Colt agreed and I waited to hear back.
Fast forward a month and this is what Colt had to say about the TV show "I thought it was tons of fun. I really enjoyed the campyness of it all. I think its something like teens and shit would really enjoy....I think, and older weirder creepier dudes" take that as a positive review, I appreciate Colt taking the time to watch!!

If you want to know more about Colt Cabana, listen to his Podcast, possibly see him in action or on stage doing his Comedy act make sure to visit him at - He has shared the stage with some tremendous Comedians and has a vast knowledge of a lot of Things...go check him out!

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