Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another show review is in - Improv Instructor "Digs" the show

Dan Stabb is 1/2 of the Improv Comedy duo known as CUBED. CUBED is a workplace-comedy improv that relies heavily on audience suggestions and participation throughout the show. CUBED’s highly interactive performance allows the audience to write memos, provide their company’s name/service, and even become part of the show themselves.

Dan wanted to see what all the fuss was about, thinking we had met our match...we handed over a few episodes...a bit hesitant though. Unsure of our ability to "Win" Stabb over, we all waited patiently for a reply, to our surprise.....this is what Dan sent us:
"Finally got a chance to watch it -- I definitely dig it. The interplay between you and John is really fun. Besides, I'm always a sucker for a good laugh track. The humor really matches the campiness of the movies (and I totally mean that as a compliment). Really fun stuff, man." 
So there you have it...another positive review. I guess my question is - What are you waiting for? Why aren't you ordering yet? Look to the right side of the page, see the it and go buy!!!

For more info and upcoming performance dates for CUBED visi:
CUBED is an official affiliate of Philly Improv Theater (PHIT). For more information on PHIT shows, classes, and workshops, please visit

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